Refunds & Returns Policy

CULTURE CLOTHING: Refunds and Returns Policy

If an item is still in its original condition, we accept returns subject to the rules below.

If you return an item requesting a refund within 28 days of delivery, we will give you a full refund. Your refund will be issued using your original payment method.

We aim to refund you within 14 days of receiving the returned item.

If you request a refund for an item during the above timeframe however are unable to return it to us for some reason, please contact us. We will look into your query and advise you on the next best steps. Please note that all refunds will be at our discretion.

Unfortunately, we do not accept returns for unwanted items after the relevant returns period above. Should you attempt to make a return, we may have to send it back to your default delivery address and the delivery costs incurred will be charged to you.

All items are inspected on return. In order to receive a full refund, all items must be returned to us unworn/unused and in the same condition you received them. This includes the original packaging with all tags and labels attached. If an item is returned to us damaged, worn or in an unsuitable condition, we will not be able to issue a refund and we may have to send it back to you (any delivery costs incurred will be charged to you).

Return Address:

 7 St Patricks CL, Maidenhead, SL6 3BD

Note: Please provide your order number when returning the item in the packaging.


Exchange Policy

We are currently not offering free exchanges to customers. However, you can simply return any unwanted items, as per the above regulations and simply place a new order in the correct size or colour! Items will be refunded once they arrive at our warehouse.